C++ Developer Internship
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Заробітня плата:1 - 2 UAH
Дата створення:4 10 2017

Materialise is launching internship for 3 months on regular basis.  You have a chance to take part in different research projects  linked to Materialise Сore Сompetences: Software Development , Engineering and Additive Manufacturing. You will lead to success research project in scope of internship program by using bleeding edge technologies in medical, industrial production and 3D printing software domains. 

If you

  • Interested in research and algo skills development
  • Have С++ programming skills (at least any pet projects) or  experience
  • Ready to work 4-6 (preferably 6) hours a day from home or office

GitHub account is nice to have

You can get

  • Experience in researching and algo programming
  • Opportunity to interact and to be guided with experienced researchers
  • Opportunity to start career with Materialise

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